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I am just about to share an amazing recipe of a refreshably refreshing refresher made up of the things usually found in our kitchen. All you are going to need is a nice and juicy lemon, some mint leaves and a white fizzy drink. No matter how tired you are, this drink is sure going to freshen you up. I have been making this drink since quite some years now but it wasn’t until my recent visit to a famous international restaurant chain of fried chicken (if you know what I mean), that I ordered this drink and got the idea of sharing it with all of you. After having it, my friends were like “Wow! This is so refreshing.” I could easily guess the things blended in it since it is one of my all-time summers favourite and I have been making it for so long now. To formally put it down;

mint cooler

Ingredients for one serving:

Lemon                                                 1

Mint leaves                                      7 – 8

Water                                               ½ cup

White fizzy drink                            ½ cup

Ice                                                     ¼ cup

Sugar (optional)                        1 tablespoon



Squeeze the juice of one medium sized fresh lemon into half a cup of water. Add about 6 to 7 mint leaves into it and add sugar. Put it into a blender and blend until the mint leaves are completely dispersed throughout the drink. Add ice and blend for another half-a-minute. To serve, fill half the glass with fizzy drink and add the blended mixture into it.


Enjoy it and don’t forget to let me know how you like it.


  • Orby Cooper


The Krunchies are here do not Fear! Everything is amusing and fabulous, from tech to shoes to bracelets and droplets. These two know no boundaries when sharing their favourite knowledge on food, tech, and all the wearables. They're smart, and they're cute!

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