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Every morning provides a new day, and every new day is a new challenge for a teen in his/her life. Getting up from the bed with an angry mood (as nobody wants to get up early in the morning), then taking a bath you realizing that the breakfast you are about to eat ‘completely stinks’!

Leaving the breakfast untouched on the table, you realize that you have missed your school bus. Upon reaching the school via other means, you find out your friends are no longer your friend, and they have made a separate group!

People, like you and me, must have experienced these types of situations earlier on. When such things happen we never know what to do; leading to a different fight, arguments, or even a battle between friends, parents or anyone that comes in close at the moment. This results in most of us “teens” leaving our homes to find a better place to live in. This is the time when the word “Why?” plays its role. Teens usually have some of the following questions in their minds, when they are passing through such circumstances:-

  • Why don’t my parents understand me?
  • What has happened to my friends? Why did they leave me alone?
  • Why am I the one who has to suffer all this?
  • Why me..?
  • And so on..!


Circumstances change; the closest buddies you need or used to look up to the most look no more worthy enough for your love. You know what? The question “Why” has no answer to it.

Instead, we should think that maybe our poor friends were never worthy enough of our love.

Answering the question Why Me in the way: “TRY ME”!

Every person’s life contains sharp turns, but in order to turn safely and smoothly change the way you think and you can feel the difference pretty soon. That little difference in the attitude and the way you think can change your whole life. This change can make you a better, stronger and a firm human being. You shouldn’t allow or give anyone reasons to harm you or hurt you in any way possible. Stay strong; keep your head high but thoughts afloat. Make yourself so strong that sorrows cannot haunt you throughout your whole life. Move on, you just can’t stick to the fact your parents don’t understand you; you have to make them understand via better means. Your friends left? They were never friends with you; and they have left you in the first place solely because they were not meant for you. No problem; you can make good friends, with better people like you. There is a solution to every problem, you just have to find it, it could be lying within you, and it could even be hidden in the situation around you but you never saw it.

Never Feel Alone -


The answer to ‘why your parents don’t understand you,’ is because there is a huge generation gap which can’t ever be filled with anything or anyone. It is obvious for parents and children to have a clash between them at a certain age, because both of them have different points of view!

The question containing the word WHY always revolves around only one situation that is: “Your attitude makes the whole lot of difference!”

If you keep on thinking “Why me”? Then you won’t be able to wipe your feeling out of yourself ever.

Instead, we should think that maybe our poor friends were never worthy enough of our love.

Answering the question Why Me in the way: “TRY ME”!

Uniqueness Apart!

Every person’s life contains sharp turns, but in order to turn safely and smoothly change the way you think and you can feel the difference pretty soon. That little difference in the attitude and the way you think can change your whole life. This change can make you a better, stronger and a firm human being. You shouldn’t allow or give anyone reasons to harm you or hurt you in any way possible. Stay strong and keep your head high but thoughts afloat; my teachers told me to sit straight; I think we should all LIVE STRAIGHT! Make yourself so strong that sorrows cannot haunt you throughout your whole life. Move on, you just can’t stick to the fact your parents don’t understand you; you have to make them understand via better means. Your friends left? They were never friends with you that is why they have left you in the first place. No problem; you can make good friends, with better people like you. There is a solution to every problem, you just have to find it, it could be lying within you, and it could even be hidden in the situation around you but you never saw it.

Just make yourself strong. No one can understand you better than you (yourself) can.

Be yourself..!

Don’t destroy yourself for those who have left or hurt you. You deserve a lot better than them.

Try answering “Why me” With “TRY ME..!”

“Don’t try so hard to fit in, when you are born to stand out.”


–   Nixy Malik






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