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Dresses made out of Chocolate

What is it that women love?

Elegant and pretty clothes.

What is it that women love more than pretty clothes?

Think, think, think…


Nowhere does it happen but on the runway of Le Salon du Chocolat, that we get to see the world’s two most desirable things meet and create sweet illusions of grandeur. While enjoying the chocolate melting in our mouth and rejuvenating our taste buds along with our mood who thought that one day you would be able to make dresses out of CHOCOLATE?

Salon Du Chocolat 2011 - Opening Night

At Le Salon du Chocolat, fashion designers, chefs, chocolatiers, pastry chefs and cocoa experts from all around the world meet to bring about dresses made out of chocolate and mesmerize the audience with them. It can be legitimately called the world’s most captivating and engrossing event of them all, for everyone affiliated with the event; the participants, the people recording and taking shots of the event, the people in the audience and the people all around the world watching out for the event and reading about it are in fear of the moment when either a piece of chocolate breaks all by itself, if the model falls and breaks the chocolate or she gets too tempted to eat her own dress.

Can’t even say that I understand what the participants go through when this fear runs wild through their spine because seriously I don’t.

Salon du chocolat 2013

Whatsoever the event is one of a kind and a must-know-about for all the chocoholics. In it, they play with different forms of cocoa and clothing pieces and wrap the models up in it.

Okay now I am running out of words to describe it further because I am a little too tempted to go and have some chocolate myself so I’ll go run to my fridge and you; make sure you search for it on the internet. Type Le Salon Du Chocolat in the search box and eat with your eyes.

Or else you may run to your fridge too.



Orby Cooper.


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