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Don’t give up… Not yet…

We all have our bad times. The time when you are broke. When you feel like completely giving up on everything you have been trying to cope with, though just a last push was all you needed to succeed. And there are going to be a hundred thousand such times when all you had to do was give it a last try; the last push, but you chose to give up right then.

You are going through hair-fall, for instance;

So you comb your hair more often.

You start giving yourself an oil head massage on alternate days

You cover your hair with protein masks on weekends.

You change your diet and start consuming edibles with a lot of vitamin E in them and edibles that nourish your head and body well enough.

You switch your shampoo and start exercising.

You do this, you do that!

You do all you could think of but the problem just does not gets solved instead it further intensifies from 50 hair a day to 100. And then you go all like “Ugh whatever! I give up!” because of course losing 50 hair a day is better than losing 100 a day, sounds pretty sane. But I’ll tell you where the problem lies!

Hair-fall never stops

However, you can speed up the process of growing new hair in numerous ways. Most of us are unaware of the fact that when new hair grows, older ones fall. Therefore when the process of “new hair growth” is boosted, hair-fall increases. Whatever you have been doing to fight the problem, was effective but you gave up just when your body needed more protein to grow new hair, the last push in this case. As a result, it stops growing new hair in place of the old ones and the place from where the hair has fallen remains empty.

Moral being

As new hair grows faster, older hair falls faster. Please do not stress yourself over it as it will only worsen it. However, if you think the number of hair falling is abnormal (i.e. above 100) or if you feel like you are going bald; consult a hair doctor.

P.S. Don’t forget to comb your hair twice a day, okay?

Orby Cooper


The Krunchies are here do not Fear! Everything is amusing and fabulous, from tech to shoes to bracelets and droplets. These two know no boundaries when sharing their favorite knowledge on food, tech, and all the wearables. They're smart, and they're cute!

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