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Man has always been a slave of traditions, cultures, customs, conventions, religion and similarly has been a slave of the changing fashions. When it comes to being fashionably dressed, even the people earning modest amounts feel impelled to follow the changing trends. Women, however, are believed to be more irrevocably obsessed to fashion.

makeup tutorial

[This is a picture of a makeup tutorial for college. Must I mention she has put on all the cosmetics she could have possibly put on her face.]

The most affected part of this tyranny of modern fashion is our school and college going populace. Almost all students regard “following fashion” as an essential part of their duty to march with the on-going time and thus appear up-to-date and mod. Girls as well as boys spend much of their precious time preening each other. They are skilled judges with respect to dressing and eyeing one another’s clothes with keen interest. Each tries to excel from others in the style and intricacy of their clothes. Students wearing expensive dresses think of themselves as being superior to the others. Their clothes are like an additional qualification for them. The same applies to theatre, dance, music, concerts and art exhibitions. Many people belonging to the so-called upper class consider themselves as being bound to visit such places, not because they have any real taste or understanding of music or art but they want to be ‘in the swim’. They would probably feel backward if they were not able to talk about these events afterwards in their respective circles.


The results of which are terrible. Due to this dandyism, students pay no attention to their class lectures. These fops (fashion affected people) are filled with a sort of self-satisfaction and they don’t feel the need to study. Self-satisfaction, no doubt, is good but ignoring your studies is NOT. Besides, their foppishness might be a bad influence for those who don’t give priority to dressing well but to studying attentively.


Parents should feed their kids well with the importance of studies and that fashions will come and go and it is a person’s education and the little things that they learn at school (which only seem little during the school life) that will construct their personality and boost their confidence in their life later on.


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