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Building an audience and gaining traffic is what every blogger and brand is working about; or trying at least! Publishing content is a frequent practice – however it may not be getting all from every created post. Solemnized content has to be traffic driven to get the voice out. Here are some easy and free of cost strategies applied to “get trendy on Twitter.” SocioFab - Hash Tags for Twitter Example

#Be Repetitive:

More often, after publishing a new blog post, we promote that post on social media straight away. Surely, it gets attention according to its calibre, but does it get same or double response if we repost it next time. Researchers suggest a big “no” to this strategy. Once the word is out, it will acquire the attention utmost to the first break however; when same content is reposted third time gathers the whole traffic of first and second, sometimes doubles of them. Seriously! How could this be interpreted?

The point is, reposts and re-shares are so commonly viewed on our social media streams that it doesn’t really matter… Twitter followers have so much to view and consider that sometimes it becomes essential to provide your audience the value. If you do not repost and re-tweet your content, it will surely miss any updates on timely manner.

#Do not become a Spammer:

So it’s okay to repost multiple times, but you never want to be called a spammer, would you? There is a trend on twitter nowadays where users have installed specific plug-ins which randomly shares their old blog posts every single hour; I repeat – posts and reposts all day long! This has become a bit too much and seems more like spam. This strategy might get short term clicks additionally, but this will lead your presence with lacklustre, your followers will learn to ignore your tweets eventually or might get to un-follow you. Re-tweeting your posts need some test drives to monitor your post and time is of crucial importance in this process!

#Be Organized:

Supervise the results of every post you made more than once, it’s better to repost same content with some changes and in a planned schedule. Like I said, time is of essence! Make adjustments in the post’s activity with Google analytics as time you monitored will define what audience is to be targeted at what time!

#Precision on your Social Media Profile:

Appearing on “Whom to follow” side bar of someone else’s stream provides the first impression of your personality. You can use this tool as a free advertiser to your blog posts. Make sure it is well driven with specific information along with links of your popular blog content or an optimized Twitter/Facebook user’s landing page. Keep it updated on regular basis along with new blog content to get the most from your social media presence. BTW it does matter…

SocioFab - Humorous Twitter Topics Pic#Hash-Tag and ABBREVIATION consistency:

A widely accepted, the easiest and a liberated way, to optimize your content are the usage of Hash-Tags; with a potential devise for your posts which can provide you boosted traffic. It must be unique to your content with a generic function. You can be distinctive in your niche by creating your own. Be consistent but not overdo it! Discover relevant trending hash-tags at and While doing so, JIC, FYI, use abbreviations and follow their trends too! Everything takes time, but sincere time given to twitter gives you more outcome than many other activities TBH! I myself learned these over time so don’t get frustrated as they help us in expressing our emotions much better in more than many ways.

JIC- Just in case; FYI- For you information; TBH- To be honest; BTW- By the way!

Housing a traffic-driven presence on Twitter is within the grasp of anyone who is willing to put in hard work, be consistently generous, brainstorming to create a charisma; and you will be all good to go once you become the twitter friend!


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